Make greater efforts to improve the effectiveness of fiscal policy (Authoritative Interview) -- Inte

Issuing time:2023-11-06 10:31

Since the beginning of this year, in the face of the complex and severe international environment and the arduous and burdensome task of domestic reform, development and stabilization, financial departments at all levels adhere to Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era as a guide, in accordance with the CPC Central Committee, the State Council's decision-making and deployment, to enhance the efficiency of the implementation of proactive fiscal policy. Entering the fourth quarter, how effective is the implementation of policies such as tax cuts and fee reductions? Fiscal revenue can complete the budget target? How will the next policy continue to force? On related issues, secretary of the party group of the ministry of finance, minister of blue fuan accepted this reporter's interview.

Benefit enterprises to protect people's livelihoods, expanding domestic demand and increase momentum, fiscal policy accurate and powerful

Reporter: The central economic work conference requirements, 2023 to adhere to the word steady, steady progress, continue to implement a positive fiscal policy. Since this year, how is the progress and effectiveness of the implementation of fiscal policy?

Blue Foan: The Ministry of Finance resolutely implement the Party Central Committee, the State Council decision-making and deployment, earnestly organize the implementation of active fiscal policy, strengthen the close coordination with monetary, industrial and other policies, and vigorously enhance the effectiveness of the policy, and strive to promote the economy in general rebound to the good, and to promote high-quality development. It is mainly reflected in four aspects.

First, focusing on the main body of business, reduce the burden and stabilize expectations. Continuing, optimizing and improving a large number of tax cuts and fee reduction policies and their implementation, from January to August, the country's new tax cuts and fee reductions and tax rebates and fee reprieves of more than 1.15 trillion yuan, stimulating the vitality of enterprises and boosting market confidence.

Secondly, we are focusing on people's livelihoods, covering the bottom line and increasing well-being. We have implemented policies that prioritize employment, supported enterprises in reducing burdens and stabilizing jobs, and helped key groups in employment and entrepreneurship. Improve the compulsory education funding guarantee mechanism, and continue to implement the policy of interest-free and principal repayment deferment for student loans. We will steadily implement the national coordination of basic pension insurance for enterprise employees, improve the capacity of medical and health services, and support the work of providing assistance to people in difficulty.

Third, focusing on expanding domestic demand, stabilizing investment and promoting consumption. Coordinate the use of 3.8 trillion yuan of new special debt limit, as well as 680 billion yuan of investment within the central budget, to support the expansion of effective social investment. We will continue and optimize the vehicle purchase tax reduction and exemption policy for new energy vehicles, raise the standard of special additional deduction for personal income tax for the elderly, accelerate the cultivation and development of sports and leisure, culture and tourism and other consumption growth points, so as to better unleash the consumption potential of the residents.

Fourth, focusing on innovation and leadership, strengthening kinetic energy and optimizing structure. Support for scientific and technological innovation in the priority position, strong guarantee "neck" areas of key core technology research and development. Strengthen the status of enterprise innovation, comprehensive use of financial subsidies, loan subsidies, tax incentives and other measures to accelerate the development of strategic emerging industries, support the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises, and further enhance the development of kinetic energy.

Reporter: How is the implementation of tax and fee reduction policies and what are the next considerations?

Blue Foan: Tax and fee reduction is an important measure to stabilize enterprises to protect employment and support the development of business entities to alleviate their difficulties, and it is an important part of the implementation of the positive fiscal policy this year to increase the strength and efficiency. The Ministry of Finance in a comprehensive assessment of the need to help enterprises to alleviate difficulties and on the basis of financial capacity, according to changes in the economic situation, to grasp the timing of the implementation of the policy, the strength and rhythm, respectively, at the beginning of the year and in the second half of the year, the continuation of the batch, optimization and improvement of nearly 70 tax and fee incentives.

These tax and fee incentives focus on serving high-quality development, working in both directions from improving supply quality and expanding effective demand, focusing on supporting small and micro-enterprises and individual entrepreneurs, supporting advanced manufacturing industries, supporting high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement, supporting the promotion of increased income, expanding consumption and safeguarding people's livelihoods, and supporting the stabilization of foreign trade, foreign investment and the healthy development of the capital market, which positively responds to the concerns of all parties, consolidates and boosts the confidence of the main business entities, and further stimulates the internal impetus and vitality of the economy. It has positively responded to the concerns of all parties, consolidated and boosted the confidence of business entities, and further stimulated the internal dynamics and vitality of the economy.

In order to vigorously promote the implementation of the policy, the Ministry of Finance, together with the General Administration of Taxation and other departments, timely study and release of policy guidelines, strengthen the linkage between the central and local governments, and highlight the precision of the delivery, so that the business entities should be aware of the full enjoyment of the full enjoyment of the full enjoyment of the full enjoyment of the full knowledge.

The next step, we will work with relevant departments to promote the policies that have been introduced to continue to take effect, so that the various tax incentives accurately and directly, the effect of the full release, better benefit the main body of the business, and promote the economy to continue to rebound to the good.

Better play the role of special bonds to expand the role of effective investment, good use of 1 trillion yuan of treasury funds

Reporter: local government special bonds is an important hand to effectively drive the whole society to expand investment. At present, the special bonds issued and how to use the situation?

Blue Foan: Since this year, in accordance with the requirements of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council deployment, the Ministry of Finance early special bond quota, moderately expanding the special bond funds to invest in the field and used as a range of capital, to guide around the special bond issuance and use of the work, and continue to promote the construction of key projects, to guide and drive the effective investment in the community. 1-9 months, around the issuance of new bonds used for the project construction of the new From January to September, localities issued 3.3 trillion yuan of new special bonds for project construction, supporting and driving the construction of a large number of projects in the fields of social undertakings, transportation, and guaranteed housing projects, which has played a role in strengthening the foundation of the country's economy.

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  记者 曲哲涵


Make greater efforts to improve the effectiveness of fiscal policy (Authoritative Interview) -- Interview with LAN Foan, Secretary of the Party Group and Minister of the Ministry of Finance

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